Monday, September 21, 2015

My Stand on the Political Issues

I am an independent voter... I do not like either political party and will not join either one.  I believe I swing from being a populist/socialist (as a public educator, how can I say I am not a socialist) to being a libertarian.  I have characterized myself as a "political agnostic."  But I do think about the issues, and below are my stand on some important issues.

  • I want a secure and orderly society.
    • Increase funding to police, fire, and emergency departments for better training, wages, equipment, etc.
    • End the War on Drugs.  Legalize all drugs, let Walmart and other retailers sell them cutting off the money to violent gangs and cartels.  Shift spending from enforcement, prosecution, and incarceration to drug education and treatment.
    • Bring our troops home to protect our borders.  Close all foreign bases, but develop true defensive technologies and rapid response strategies.  Let all other countries know that if the US is attacked, we will retaliate swiftly and decisively.
    • Secure our borders, but also relax immigration.  Allow more people to enter the country legally.
    • On principle, stay out of other countries' affairs.  Trade with them, but don't get involved in their conflicts... the only exception might be in the case of genocide.
    • Continue homeland security, but make it more transparent.  Allow each individual citizen to see what information is collected on him/her.
    • Gun Control will not work any more than any other prohibition.  Continue to prosecute and punish those who use weapons in any crime.  Allow lawsuits against any manufacturer, wholesaler, and retailer who it can be proven to be negligent in preventing someone from committing a crime with a weapon. 
  • I want the Federal and State Governments to be secular.
    • Strike all current laws that are based on religious doctrine, beliefs, or practices.  Keep every law that protect the free exercise of religion.
    • Remove government from marriage, cohabitation, or sexual relationships.  The government should record vital statistics, not define what those relationships should be between individuals.  Marriage, civil unions, friendships, etc. should remain the domain of individuals, and religions.  Individuals should be allowed to designate any other individual as a life partner with all the rights and benefits currently given to spouses.
    • Abortion should be legal, but regulated, and not funded.
    • Contraception should be legal, but not funded.
    • Assisted suicide should be legal, but not funded.   
  • I want the government to promote the welfare of all citizens.
    • Create a minimum income for all US citizens that will enable them to live comfortable lives.  Some funding will come from eliminating all other welfare programs, and Social Security.  Proceed taxes on all natural resources should also be used for this program.
    • Offer free education to all US citizens and legal residents (tax payers) from Pre-K through 4 years of college or technology training.  Use a voucher system for all families/individuals.  
      • Eliminate compulsory education, but the tie receipt of the minimum income to successful completion of education to job readiness.  For parents to receive the minimum income, their children must be successfully enrolled in school (public, private, or approved distance education).
    • Create a national single-payer health system... or expand the Affordable Health Care Act to truly cover every US citizen and legal resident.
    • Invest heavily in Infrastructure.
      • Transportation
      • Communication
      • Safety and security, including preparing for natural disasters.
      • Sustainable Energy
      • Science, the arts, and culture.
      • Parks and recreation.
  • I want the Federal Government to be fiscally responsible.
    • Create a flat tax on gross income.  Everyone above the minimum income level pays the same rate.  No exemptions, deductions, or loopholes of any kind.  Everyone pays.
    • All Governments must keep a Balanced Budget.
These represent my stand on a few issues.  

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