Tuesday, September 15, 2015

My Philosophy, Part 4: Without Truth

If I don't know, how can I tell the truth?

I define Truth as the accurate representation and communication of Reality.  I do not know how to do it.  First, I cannot know Reality.  I have too many limitations and filters to my perceptions to ever claim to know reality.  If I do not know anything, how can I tell anyone the truth?   I also find that as soon as have had an experience the memory of that experience begins to fade.  I lose many details, remembering only what is important to me.  The memory is distorted.

Second, communication requires coding that can be transmitted across the distance between two "stations."  The most common coding and transmission system is the spoken word with attendant body language, facial expressions, and hand gestures.  We have also developed the written word, which is really not the same as the spoken word, more static, and open for interpretation.  Communication requires ideas first be conceived, then coded, transmitted, decoded, and re-conceived.  It is a system that is full of errors.  It is no wonder that two people misunderstand each other so often.  Our language may not allow us to accurately represent Reality.  That is one reason a picture is worth a thousand words, and "you just had to be there."  Reading the New Testament, I have found that Jesus never actually describes the Kingdom of God, but alludes to it in parables.  It may be that our languages did not allow Him to accurately represent God, Heaven, or Hell to us.

Third, I have biases, and I have personal agendas.  I usually have a reason to tell a story.  I want to make a point, to entertain, to persuade, or to hide my guilt.  I believe that I always "spin" the stories I tell to fit the purpose I have in the conversation.  I am not telling the truth if I am trying to sell someone something.

The more I looked at Truth, the less I could claim to actually speak.  I do not tell the truth.  I tell others my beliefs and my opinions.  I tell stories.

And so do others.  I do not expect anyone to have a greater grasp of reality than I have.  Everyone else has the same limitations of perception, conception, and communication that I have.  We are all struggling to put into words what we have learned by experience in this life, in this world.  Two people can be standing together, shoulder to shoulder, see and hear the same things, and have different experiences.  Sadly, some of us are mistaken, some are mislead, misguided, some simply misunderstand... and some of us lie.  In stead of truth, we seem to have rhetoric.  I do not have to believe anyone, and I do not believe everyone... especially those with agendas: government officials, salesmen, politicians, religious preachers, scientists, teachers, doctors, etc. 

I note that I am very metaphorical.  I tend to visualize what I learn into models of nature.  I tend to put concepts into images of the weather, of mountains, of rivers, or of my garden or my home.  I will be more than happy to give you my opinion and the reasons I have for that opinion, but I will never tell you that it is the truth.  I try to be honest, but I do not speak or hear the truth.

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