Monday, September 14, 2015

My Philosophy Part 2: Metaphysics

What I think reality is the foundation that I use to build my worldview.  I have had many ideas about the nature of reality, I have backed away from them as I sought to free myself from anything imaginary.  Without the imagined, using only my own observations, I am left with a simple view of reality:

Reality is what it is.

I don't make too many more claims...  Reality may be infinite, but everything in it is finite.  Everything in reality is imperfect, but seems to work.  Everything is complex, connected, and interrelated.  Everything is dynamic, constantly changing.  Other than that, reality is a mystery to me.

And... I am what I am.

I am finite, mortal.  I am imperfect, human.  I am complex, connected and related to many, if not everyone else.  I am dynamic, constantly changing.  And I am a mystery to myself.

Imagination is not reality... but can be realized.

For a time I tried to sort out everything that was imagined from what was real.  Reality is like a sterile desert landscape, while the imagination creates lush gardens and jungles for the mind.  I have heard it said that plants and animals live in reality, but humans have added their imaginations to reality.  I have to concede that without our imaginations we would never solve any problems.  We could only evolve solutions to problems. Our large brains, with wildly rich imaginations have made us "human," and upon the foundation of our imaginations we have built our civilization.

Reality is what it is, I am what I am, and I have the ability to escape reality with my mind.

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