Sunday, August 30, 2015

The Sabbath

We talked about keeping the Sabbath Day holy in church today.  We were taught that keeping the Sabbath is an outward expression of our inward, personal commitment to God.  It is to be a rest from our labors...  It is to be a delight...  But most assuredly it is a sign of our faith in, and our faithfulness to God.  We were instructed to just throw away the lists of things we can and cannot do on the Sabbath, and try to keep it holy by focusing on Christ.

I think a Wendell Berry is an example of keeping the Sabbath.  Every Sunday he would go for a walk around his farm and write down his thoughts as poems.  They display his faith, his reflection of events and the world around him.

A clamor high above
Entered the shadowed grove,
Withdrew, was still, and then
The water thrush began
The song that is a prayer,
A form made in the air,
That all who live here pray,
The Sabbath of our day.

From A Timbered Choir, pg. 58.

Thank you Mr. Berry for your example.

The Sabbath is a delight.

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