Saturday, August 22, 2015

I Want Heaven on Earth

OK, this is what I want.  I want heaven on earth...

I want to end all wars, military conflicts, terrorism, and violence.

I want to end hunger, homelessness, and poverty.  Every human being should have equal rights to the Earth's resources.  It is our birthright.

I want children to grow up without fear.

I want to see all disease conquered.

I want justice for all, and compassion, respect, and tolerance for all.

I want to see the Earth healed and pollution to end.  Surely, God is offended by how we have messed up His creation.

I want to see clean renewable energy powering our civilization.

I want to see every person able to pursue his or her happiness.

I want to see all abuse ended.

I want to see heaven on Earth... and I want us to start working to create it rather than sitting on our butts waiting for Jesus to come back and make for us.  We are like the man the Lord gave one talent and we are hiding it in all our politics, economics, religions, and nationalism.  We think we are going to return it to Him without even trying to make things better?  How did that work out for the man in the parable?  (Matthew 25: 15-30)

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