Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Facing the Facts

We need to face the facts and not just hold on to old theories, procedures, and doctrines.  As new evidence is discovered we need to accept the theories they support.  As new materials and methods are created we need to abandon the old ways of doing things and advance to the next levels of technology and civilization.

Astronomy has pushed out our views of the universe way beyond the solar system and our galaxy.  It is very big and we are very small.  Geology has pushed back our Earth's history way beyond 6,000 years.  It is very old, and we are very late comers on this planet.  Meteorology has discovered many of the causes of our weather beyond "acts of God."  Biology has explained germ theory, genetics and evolution, freeing us from superstitions of demons causing disease and mental illness.

We are making strides in every field, learning how things work and why things are the way they are.  We know so much more than our grandparents did.  So, why do we hold on to old ideas?   And why are we afraid of anything new?  Why do we look back into the past for answers to our current problems, and fear the future?  Why do we continue to put "new wine in old bottles?"

I believe we need to look at all the evidence and accept the truth they point to.  Courage!  We are going to make a future, not restore the past.

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